My husband and I were out one day and happened upon these two muskoka chairs. They are in need of some paint, but other then that they were in pretty good condition. Saturday, I decided to give them and a little table we bought for 2 bucks at a local auction a coat of barn red paint. The grey chair is the before and the barn red is the start of the after. I sit on this porch alot and with all the inspiring blogs I read I wanted to spruce up my little sitting area. I will be back tomorrow with the finished product and photos.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Aloha and Goodbye.....
A very dear friend of mine brought me this material several weeks ago and said would you be able to make this shirt for Brian. You see Brian's lovely daughter who lives in Vancouver, but travelled to Hawaii. Had this lovely thought to purchase material and bring it back so her dad could have a one of a kind shirt that was representative of Rotary. Brian and my husband are in our local Rotary club together. So after I was told that this is all the fabric they have, if you ruin it you will have to fly to Hawaii to get more and oh yes, dont forget to get all the letters in the right direction. I proceeded one day last week to cut the material. My heart was in my throat. What was my friend thinking putting this kind of pressure on me. Was she really a friend, I thought for a moment. Yes, of course she was. She came to me because she trusted me to do a good job and the other ten people she asked had flat out turned her down. I had never done a tailored shirt and one with a collar. Well I made a mock up of some old material I had, to find my confidence in cutting the material. Turns out my mock up was wrong. I had the collar going every which way but the right one. Well on friday I called Joyce to tell her I had finished the shirt and my wonderful husband is modelling it.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Sault Ste Marie ....
I must say I am no world traveller. Our drive to the Soo is 6 1/2 or 7 hours depending on pee bathroom breaks and traffic. I never sleep well. It seems by the time I get use to the surroundings we are heading back home and then I am another two days getting back into my routine. The late dinners, greasy breakfast and hard beds dont do me or my body any great benefit. Their was a time in my life that I thought I could travel the world. Now I am quite comfortable staying close to home. This picture is of the bay in Sault Ste. Marie and the bridge leads you into Soo Michigan.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Home from the Sooooo....
This past weekend my husband and I travelled to Sault Ste. Marie to visit his daughter and their new baby. A beautiful bouncing baby boy. We decided that we would leave Thursday afternoon and drive to Sudbury, and stay over their and then get up early and drive on to the Soo. It worked out to be much less hectic, however I am still no world traveller. I don't know what it is, but I never sleep when I am away. The noise is different, the beds are different, the food is different my routine is so different anyhoo.. I am babbling. We did see some interesting sculptures in a small town outside of Sudbury. They are full sized metal sculptures standing along side the road. They had no plaque as to who made them or why. I will continue with the rest of our travels tomorrow.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Would have been a good mom......
At 43 I realize that being a mother is not in the cards for me. My husband had surgery many years before I met him that fixed that permanently. I knew it at the time and it didnt bother me. I loved that carefree way of life, doing what I want when I want. Occasionally though I miss that part of life. Someone to care for and love unconditionally hear their funny little sayings and how the simple things excite them. Today, I watched my niece for the day while her parents are away. She does some of the funniest, silliest things. She had her little bubble blower and held it up to my dog Sam's mouth as if he would blow on it for her. She says Pease for everything. Do you want to wash your hands? Pease. Do you want to go for a swing? Pease. and so on. I had my camera their today and although she is only 1 year and 10 months she managed to take these photos with no help from me. I think she has a career in front of her. I hope she doesn't mind that I plan on being the best Aunt ever.
Monday, July 12, 2010
New Baby
On June 14th, my stepdaughter gave birth to a happy healthy little boy. This makes me a step Grandparent four times over. You would think my husband would then be a least 20 years older then me to have grandchildren at my age. However he is only 9 years older and his girls are 25 and 26. So I have been busily making this quilt for our trip up to see them and happy to report it is finished. I also decided I would buy these little onesies and put a couple of handmade ties on the front for character. We will be driving to the Sault friday morning ( it is a 6 1/2 to 7 hour drive) and coming home on Sunday. It is a whirlwind trip that we do once a year and then they come down once a year.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Mirror Mirror on the wall.....
I love animals especially dogs and this video is just too cute...
Enjoy your weekend
Enjoy your weekend
Thursday, July 8, 2010
What makes me happy.......
For such a long time I thought I had to find the one thing that made me happy. Was it the perfect career, the man of my dreams, children and so on. Which one would truly make me happy day in and day out. And now I realize that it is many things that make me happy. Yes, I do have a great husband who has supported every dream I have ever dreamed. Yes, I do have a good family and parents, siblings, nieces and nephews that I love and love me right back. Yes, I do have great friends that I could call on in the middle of night if I had to and they would be right their for me. Yes, I do have a great dog who I love and is a cherised member of our family. However I dont have children, I dont have the career that I would like at this moment , I am not at my (ideal) weight and so on. And yet I am happy. Truly happy because I count what I do have as blessings and let the rest take care of itself. It has taken me a longtime to come to this moment in my life. I havent always been ( happy). I know now that it is the moments and the time spent with the people in my life and not the stuff that is important.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
It is hot hot hot.....
Here in Sunny sometimes sunny Ontario Canada it has been downright steamy. Everyday for the past three days we have reached the 100 mark or better with the humidity. For us this is hot. Our air conditioner has not had a rest since monday. I usually like to keep the windows open and let the breeze blow through, however even the breeze is hot. This got me thinking of the term so hot you could fry an egg on the sidewalk. So as I was looking for great fried egg pictures. I stumbled upon this great blog that makes these beautiful hand knitted creations and this one is free as well as many others. You can find them over at TwinsKnit.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
New Editing Software
I got this new editing software that will change your photos from drab to fab in no time. It is from a company called Florabella . They have these wonderful overlays and backgrounds that add new dimension to your photography. I read about them from Lola B's . This lady is great at photography, event planning and just a really good writer.

I think its great the way you can change your photo to look more like a painting. This works with photoshop and other various types of editing software.
Monday, July 5, 2010
I am so pleased with myself. ......
I just taught myself how to post a banner. I have seen all these great banners and links on other sites, however I never really knew how they did it. I made sure I wrote down all the instructions to do it again. Because you know you will have to. If anyone wants to know please post in the comments and I will send you directions.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Hand Crafted Organic Pillow Cases
I made these beautiful organic pillowcases for my mom recently for mother's day.
I had some organic cotton and purchased bamboo wool for the edging. They
were fun to make and my mom loved them.
Happy Birthday Canada

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
I'm in the Twilight Zone
A couple of years ago I was asked to place my product in the Swag Bags for the night time Emmy's. It was a whirlwind event of putting all the packages together. Sending it ahead to California and then flying to Hollywood to be part of the gifting. We met some amazing people and took a lot of photo's one of which was with a little known star Ashley Greene. Who has played a significant role in all the Twilight Movies. She was extremely nice and just as beautiful in person as she is on screen.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Get Your Motor Running
Friday's are one of my favourite days. If the weather is nice we usually pack up work early and leave for a ride on our motorcycle. I dont have my license yet, however sometimes being on the back is okay. You get to see more of the scenery. We usually head somewhere we haven't been and have dinner. My husband is so relaxed and happy when he is riding. He dreams of doing it for a living one day. Dinner is some out of the way spot that we would never go to in a car. Somehow, riding for 3 hours on a bike to find dinner seems just fine. Motorcycle by Bobby Mikul
Thursday, June 24, 2010
I think I have wings.....

Over the last few weeks I have been taking an e-course put on by Visit Kelly Rae's blog. This course has taught me that my biggest fear in working my business is going out of my comfort zone. I have been living a safe life. I have a great husband, a nice home, a great family, a dog all that I love. Why would I want to change that? Because sometimes being comfortable isn't truly using all your potential. I dont want to change my husband, home, family, dog or anything else I just want to expand my career and my business to have a little something that is mine.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Soups on........
Monday, March 22, 2010
Fresh Clam Chowder for lunch.....
Today was Clam Chowder day
I had been craving it for a while.
And if you notice, I used an original
Campbell's soup bowl. These are probably 25 years old.....
I had been craving it for a while.
And if you notice, I used an original
Campbell's soup bowl. These are probably 25 years old.....
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